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Carrie Guenther

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Longest Serving RBB Team Member Retires After 47 Years

RBB Celebrates the Retirement of Wayne Reising, Longest Serving Team Member

Wooster, OH – January 2025 – RBB, a leading provider of custom electronics manufacturing, announces the retirement of Wayne Reising, Industrial Control Panels Assembly Specialist, after an extraordinary career spanning 47 years and 7 months. Reising holds the distinction of being RBB's longest-serving employee, leaving a legacy of dedication, excellence, and mentorship that has shaped the company’s culture and operations for nearly half a century.

RBB Moves Heaven & Earth for Our Clients

At RBB, our mission is to move heaven and earth to get our clients what they need, when they need it. It is our mission statement and one of our four core values.

This week, we had a client with an urgent request. One of their customers had an emergency- and needed 4 completed assemblies at their facility the next day.

How did we do it?

Extending the Life of Moisture-Sensitive Electronic Components

They go together like oil & water, fire & ice, electronics & moisture. Some things just don’t pair well. In this time when electronic components are hard to find, we need to protect the parts we have. All electronic components have a certain level of sensitivity to moisture- some more than others. RBB is working hard to source, store, and protect your PCB assembly and components through all stages of the assembly process. By protecting your assembly from moisture, and watching for moisture issues, we are making sure your mission-critical assemblies are ready to work for you.

RBB August 2021 Lunch & Learn

RBB's August 2021 Lunch & Learn Series - Virtual & In Person!!

We are pleased to announce that our August Lunch & Learn will be a hybrid format- available both in-person & virtual.

Registration is now open for RBB's 2021 Lunch & Learn Series! Each session includes a hands-on presentation, FREE lunch (in person participants only), networking, and RBB facility tour.

All sessions will be held at RBB (1909 Old Mansfield Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691) & virtually.

RBB 2021 Lunch & Learn Series

Registration is now open for RBB's 2021 Lunch & Learn Series! Each session includes a hands-on presentation, FREE lunch (in person participants only), networking, and RBB facility tour.

All sessions will be held at RBB (1909 Old Mansfield Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691) or virtually.

All are welcome to attend- please pass this invitation to your team members & colleagues!

RBB Wraps Up 2020 Lunch & Learn Series

RBB hosted four great sessions in our 2019-2020 Lunch & Learn series, "How to Save Money in a High-Mix, Low-Volume World." Topics included: DFM (Design for Manufacturability), Industry Trends, Reducing Bare Boar Costs, and IoT (The Internet of Things). Let us know what you want to talk about next!

IoT in the High-Mix, Low-Volume World

We have already hosted three great sessions in our 2019-2020 Lunch & Learn series, "How to Save Money in a High-Mix, Low-Volume World." Our next session, titled The IoT in the High-Mix, Low-Volume World, will be presented by Ed Yenni, President, Logisync via Zoom on October 20.

How Do I Reduce Bare PCB Costs?

We have already hosted two great sessions in our 2019-2020 Lunch & Learn series, "How to Save Money in a High-Mix, Low-Volume World." Due to the current situation, our next session will be held in July via Zoom. This session, titled How to Reduce Bare Board (PCB) Costs, will be presented by Jim Thompson & Bob Keisler from National Technology Inc. Jim & Bob will examine board design, cost drivers, and other factors to consider when designing your product.

RBB Letter to Clients

Ohio’s governor has issued a “Stay-In-Place” order, shutting down all non-essential businesses. RBB is not included on this list. Many of our clients are in the medical, power management, and emergency response industries, so RBB will remain open to serve our clients’ needs.

Lunch & Learn Rescheduled

"How to Save Money in a High-Mix, Low-Volume World"

While our team continues to swarm to get our clients what they need when they need it- RBB has decided to postpone our April lunch & learn session to July 28, 2020. This session is titled How to Reduce Bare Board (PCB) Costs, will be presented by Jim Thompson & Bob Keisler from National Technology Inc. Jim & Bob will examine board design, cost drivers, and other factors to consider when designing your product. This is the third part of our series, "How to Save Money in a High-Mix, Low-Volume World."

All are welcome to attend- please pass this invitation to your team members & colleagues!

The overall goal of this series will be to educate RBB's partners on how to save money in our high-mix, low-volume PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) industry. Each session includes a hands-on presentation from RBB team members or suppliers, FREE lunch, questions & networking, and a facility tour.

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