You have a choice in qualified suppliers you can entrust with your control panel and electronic assembly work. It’s important to look for a panel supplier that will work with you every step of the way and not just for you. Ideal partners will thoughtfully review designs and fix any issue that arises, have strict documentation management protocols, and assemble and test every wire and connection.
Connecting Students with Future Careers in Manufacturing
About Manufacturing Day
On Friday, October 2nd, Wayne County held their second annual Manufacturing Day. A panel of manufacturing employees from the area who have found success within their careers spoke with high school students to provide further knowledge and insights into the industry and where it’s going in the years to come.
Among these speakers, President and CEO of RBB Systems, Bruce Hendrick, shared his experiences with the students.
The development and building of a circuit board assembly can range from a very simple to a highly complex design.
At RBB, all boards, regardless of complexity, undergo a full visual inspection of the components as well as a complete check of the step-by-step instructions on the build. We also offer our customers the option for more advanced functional testing.
For over 40 years, RBB has existed to move heaven and earth to get our recurring small batch customers what they need, when they need it.