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RBB Moves Heaven & Earth for Our Clients

At RBB, our mission is to move heaven and earth to get our clients what they need, when they need it. It is our mission statement and one of our four core values.

This week, we had a client with an urgent request. One of their customers had an emergency- and needed 4 completed assemblies at their facility the next day.

How did we do it?

RBB Clinches the Prestigious 2023 Service Excellence Award in Electronic Manufacturing Services

In the ever-evolving realm of electronic manufacturing services (EMS), standing out among peers is no small feat. Yet, RBB has done just that, securing our position as a leader in the industry. The recent announcement by CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY at the SMTA International trade show in Minneapolis introduced RBB as the winner of the coveted 2023 Service Excellence Award (SEA) in the EMS category for companies with sales under $20 million.

Yes, Quality Matters! What Makes RBB A High-Quality Manufacturer?

Whether you are shopping for a new car, a pair of shoes, or a contract manufacturer, the quality of the item or service matters. Where you spend your money is important and the product you receive should be worth what you pay for! Most companies, brands, or products say they hold high standards and good quality, but do they? There is inherent skepticism when a company claims to have “high-quality,” since that value can be characterized and defined in different ways.

But at RBB, our first-rate service and products are something we are proud of, and we can prove it!

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